Application Process

The application process is as follows:

  1. Call (530) 265-2057 to ask any questions, or to schedule your initial interview with the Principal (can be in person or via Zoom).

  2. Please click here to fill out the pre-interview registration form.

  3.  After your initial consultation with the Principal, you will be given the opportunity to schedule a classroom visit for your child, and a tour for yourself, during school hours (child must be present for the tour).

  4.  Once your visit and tour are complete, you will be given the registration application packet.

  5.  After your application is received it will be reviewed, and after approval you will need to pay the  registration fee ($250 if paid before the end of February, or $300 if paid after March first) Payment can be made by cash or check, or through our online billing portal, JupiterEd. The registration fee holds your spot, and is non-refundable. 

Please feel free to call (530) 265-2057 anytime to get any questions answered.